How To free Space On Internal Memory Android[New Way.]

Good day my lovely viewers.
It's look so annoying when you buy a phone of 16gb ROM and within a month or two, you start getting notifications that internal storage full.

I made my research on what makes the internal storage get full on time, I discovered that there are some hidden files that takes up to 500mb of your space, so I decided to share a tutorial on how to free some space on your phone.

NOTE: This works for only root users i.e your phone must be rooted.


1. Download Es fileXplorer here

2. Lunch the app, go to your internal memory
3. Grant Es fileXplorer root access.
 Locate your root folder.

4. Look for a folder called data and click on it.
5. Scroll up and look for a folder called logger.
6. You will see series of logs there, delete everything there 
7. Go back and check your internal storage status. You will see a decrease in your internal memory.

8. Perform this task every two weeks because they will always come up.

Don't be afraid to delete those files because they will never harm your phone.
This is how to free up space on your internal memory. 

Make sure you share to your friends

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