How To Comment On MrJef Blog.
Good day viewers
If you are finding it difficult to comment on this blog,, am really sorry for that,, I know this is a late post,, just follow the steps below.
1. Navigate down below the post
2. You will see a comment box
3. You will be told to select a profile
4. There are only 3 profiles that are easy to create
5. If you have a Gmail account, choose Google accounts and login to your Gmail account straight away and you will be able to comment through your Gmail account.
6. If you don’t have a Gmail account just selects Name/URL profile
7. Now type your name and your website and if you don’t have a website use or better still use and you prove you not a robot ( use supported browsers like chrome Firefox default browsers uc browsers)
8. If you don’t want that then choose anonymous as profile you just type your comment and also prove you not a robot
So this is how to comment on this blog, we really appreciate your comments.